Ungayithumela njani i-Inline Patpass Tap to Pop to Ukuthintela ukugcwala okanye ukuqhekeka kwezixhobo zokhuseleko?

Impompo ye-Bypass (ekwabizwa ngokuba yi-Bypass Switch) ibonelela ngamazibuko okhuseleko akhuselekileyo kwizixhobo ezisebenzayo zokhuseleko ezifana ne-IPS kunye nee-Ips ezilandelayo (zefws). Ukutshintshwa kwe-bypass kutshixwa phakathi kwezixhobo zenethiwekhi kunye ne-National Soofs Izixhobo ukubonelela ngenqaku elinokuthenjwa lokuzodwa phakathi kwenethiwekhi kunye nomenzi wezokhuseleko. Bazisa inkxaso epheleleyo kwiinethiwekhi kunye nezixhobo zokhuseleko ukunqanda umngcipheko wokuphuma kwenethiwekhi.

Isisombululo 1 1 Ikhonkco le-Bypass yeNethiwekhi yeThintelweyo (i-Bypass Switch) -Zimeleyo


I-Bypass Tap (i-bypass switch) iqhagamshela kwizixhobo ezimbini zenethiwekhi ngamazibuko aqhagamshelo kwaye iqhagamshela kwiseva yeqela lesithathu ngokusebenzisa amabuko lesixhobo.

I-Trigger yeThekhi yeThekhi ye-Bypass (i-Bypass Switch) isetwe kwi-Ping, ethumela izicelo ze-Ping ezilandelelanayo kwiseva. Nje ukuba umncedisi ayeke ukuphendula kwi-pings, i-Bypass Inethiwekhi yokutshintsha (i-bypass switch) ingena kwimodi ye-Bypass.

Xa iserver iqala ukuphendula kwakhona, i-Bypass yenethiwekhi (i-Bypass Switch) itshintshele kwimowudi yokufaka.

Esi sicelo sinokusebenza kuphela nge-iCMP (ping). Akukho pakethi yentliziyo yentliziyo isetyenziselwa ukubeka iliso kunxibelelwano phakathi kweseva kunye nenethiwekhi ye-Bypass Tap (i-Bypass switch).


Isisombululo 2 I-Packet yePakethi yeNethiwekhi + iNethiwekhi ye-Byppass Inethiwekhi yokutshintsha (i-Bypass switch)

I-Packet Packer Packer (NPB) + + i-Bypass Inethiwekhi yokutshintsha


I-Bypass Tap (i-Bypass Switch) iqhagamshela kwizixhobo ezimbini zenethiwekhi ngamazibuko aqhankqalaziweyo kunye nomthengisi wePakethi yeNethiwekhi (i-NPB) ngezibuko zesixhobo. Umncedisi womntu wesithathu uxhuma kwi-packet yenethiwekhi (i-NPB) usebenzisa i-2 x 1G Copper Copper. I-packet packet yenethiwekhi (i-NPB) ithumela iipakethi zentliziyo kwiseva nge-port # 1 kwaye ifuna ukubamkela kwakhona kwiPort # 2.

I-trigger ye-Tepger yeThephu yeThekhi ye-Bypass (i-Bypass Switch) isetwe ukuze iphumle, kwaye ipakethi yepakethi yenethiwekhi (i-NPB) iqhuba isicelo se-dpass.

Ukugcwala kwendlela yokufaka:

Isixhobo 1


I-packet packet yenethiwekhi (i-NPB) + yeThekhi ye-Bypass Tap

Inkcazo ye-Bypass yesoftware:

Ukuba i-packet yenethiwekhi (i-NPB) ayifumani iipakethi zentliziyo, ziya kwenza idyokhwe yesoftware.

Uqwalaselo lwepakethi yenethiwekhi yenethiwekhi (i-NPB) itshintshe ngokuzenzekelayo ukuthumela itrafikhi engenayo kwi-Bypass yeTemple yeThekhi yeThekhi ye-Bypass (i-Bypass switch), malunga nokubuyiselwa kwendlela yepakethi encinci.

I-Bypass Tap (i-Bypass Switch) ayidingi ukuphendula kuyo yonke into kuba zonke ii-phanges zenziwa ngumthengisi wepakethi yenethiwekhi (NPB).

Ukugcwala kwi-traffic pad yesoftware:

Isixhobo 1 ↔ Bypass Switch / Thepha ↔ NPB


I-Paoker Packer yenethiwekhi (i-NPB) + yeThekhi ye-Byppass Tap (i-Bypass Switch) - I-Harpaware Passpass

Inkcazo ye-Hardware Passpass:

Kwimeko apho i-packet yenethiwekhi yenethiwekhi (i-NPB) iyasilela okanye unxibelelwano phakathi kwePacket yeNethiwekhi (i-NPB) kunye neTyppass yeThekhi (i-Bypb) ikhutshiwe) i-switch (i-Byppass Twit) i-windows yokwenyani yokusebenza.

Xa i-Bypass yeThekhi yeThekhi (i-Bypass Switch) ingena kwimodi ye-Bypass, i-packet yenethiwekhi (i-NPB) kunye neseva yangaphandle igqithile kwaye ayifumani TRATAT de itshintshe kwimowudi yokufaka.

Imodi ye-Bypass ibangelwa xa i-papt yenethiwekhi ye-Bypass (i-Byp.spass switch) ayisasebenzi kunikezelo lwamandla.

I-Hardware Trafine yeTrafikhi:

Isixhobo 1 ↔ I-Bypass Switch / Thepha ↔ Isixhobo 2


Isisombululo 3 Iitayile ezimbini zeNethiwekhi (i-Bypass Switches) kwikhonkco ngalinye

Imiyalelo yoqwalaselo:

Kule ndawo yokubekwa, i-1 Cowper Ikhonkco lezixhobo ezi-2 ezinxulumene neseva eyaziwayo igqitywe ziimpompo zenethiwekhi ze-Byppass (Bypass). Isibonelelo sesi sisombululo se-1 kwi-Bypas kukuba xa iPakethi yeNethiwekhi (i-NPB) iphazamisekile, i-server iseyinxalenye yekhonkco eliphilayo.


I-2 * i-Byppass yenethiwekhi (i-Bypass Switches) kwikhonkco kwikhonkco-isoftware

Inkcazo ye-Bypass yesoftware:

Ukuba i-packet yenethiwekhi (i-NPB) ayifumani iipakethi zentliziyo, ziya kwenza idyokhwe yesoftware. I-Bypass Tap (i-Bypass Switch) ayidingi ukuba ikwazisa konke kuba zonke ii-phanges zenziwa ngumthengisi weNethiwekhi (i-NPB).

Ukugcwala kwi-traffic pad yesoftware:

Isixhobo 1 ↔ Bypass Switch / Thepha 1



I-2 * i-Byppass yenethiwekhi (i-Bypass Switches) kwikhonkco kwikhonkco-kwi-wishreware papt

Inkcazo ye-Hardware Passpass:

Kwimeko apho i-packet yepakethi yenethiwekhi (i-NPB) iyasilela okanye uqhagamshelo phakathi kwetheyiphu ye-Bypass (i-Bypass Switch) kunye nePacket yePakethi yenethiwekhi (i-Bypass) itshintshiwe kwi-thedpass ikhonkco.

Ngokwahlukileyo kwi "1 bypass nganye yekhonkco", iseva isandakanywa kwikhonkco eliphilayo.

I-Hardware Trafine yeTrafikhi:

Isixhobo 1


Isisombululo 4 Iimpompo ezimbini zeNethiwekhi (i-Bypass Switches) zilungiselelwe ikhonkco ngalinye kwezi ndawo zimbini

Ukucwangcisa imiyalelo:

Inketho: Abathengisi beepakethi ezimbini zenethiwekhi (i-NPBS) banokusetyenziswa ukudibanisa iisayithi ezimbini ezahlukeneyo ngaphezulu kwe-temnel ye-greker endaweni yepakethi yenethiwekhi yenethiwekhi (i-NPB). Kwimeko apho iserver iqhagamshela ezi ndawo zimbini ziyasilela, iyakudlula kwiseva kwaye itrafikhi enokusasazwa ngokusebenzisa umjelo wepakethi yenethiwekhi (i-NPB) (njengoko kubonisiwe kwimifanekiso engezantsi).



Ixesha lokuphumla: Mar-06-2023